
Type: Vegetable

Rotation Group: 4, Brassicas



Bred for extra sweetness, Ruby has dark purple-skinned globe shaped roots with creamy yellow flesh and is a really useful winter vegetable. A high dry matter content ensures excellent winter hardiness and it also shows good resistance to Powdery Mildew.


A strong-growing, Club Root resistant swede which also benefits from Powdery Mildew resistance and improved winter hardiness over other varieties.


Resistant to both clubroot and powdery mildew, Gowrie is very winter hardy due to the high dry matter. Perfect to use throughout autumn and into the new year from October to late January. This purple-skinned variety has good, firm flesh with consistent colour and very good taste


British-bred and one of the first hybrid swedes, it is early and vigorous, producing uniformly round, purple shouldered roots with a delicious, cream-coloured flesh. Performs better than other swedes on less fertile soils.

Site, Soil and Preparation

Any fertile non-acid soil open to full sun is suitable. A soil pH of 5.5-7.0 is preferred so add lime if your soil is very acid.

Indoor Sowing

Swede are usually sown direct outdoors.

Outdoor Sowing

Sow seeds thinly in early to late May in a prepared seed bed. Sow in 20mm (3/4in) deep drills spaced 350mm apart.


When the seedlings are 25mm (1in) tall and have the first pair of leaves thin them out to 200mm (8in) apart.


Transplanting swede should not be necessary when sown direct outdoors.


Weed and water thoroughly in dry weather.


Swedes take 20-26 weeks to mature. Lift swedes as needed once the leaves have turned yellow.