Plotting Our Path



The allotment holders were relatively lucky in 1944 as flying bombs caused little actual damage to the grounds apart from a few broken windows in the hut. However it might have been so different if some incendiary bombs had landed anywhere other than in the brook. These remained in situ until 1945 when the war had ended. Then the Allotment Society was in the press as bomb experts tried to find the unexploded device. The brook had shafts excavated and water was pumped out during the search. This inevitably damaged a number of nearby plots. Finally a bomb was at last discovered in February 1947 and safely removed. A claim was lodged with the War Damage Commission for the cost of reinstating the damaged plots and road which were disturbed in their efforts.

During this year of 1947 the weather was exasperating for the plot holders - an unprecedented spell of frost lasting several months followed by a rainless late summer.