Plotting Our Path

In 1941 all the plots were let, the trading centre was profitable and the canteen had re-opened at weekends. Whist drives were revived but the annual dinner still could not be held due to the blackout restrictions.
In 1942 the society held an annual show, the first since the outbreak of war; this was opened by the Mayor.
In 1943 the rents were reduced to one shilling (5p) per rod. The bridge over the brook was rebuilt to withstand the heavy lorries delivering goods to the trading centre. A series of whist drives raised £16 for donations to various charities. The society was awarded the Robinson Cup for the best kept allotments in the Borough.
In 1944 flying bombs, the V1 began to appear in the sky. The V1 was variously known as a FLY (official designation), Pilot- less plane (PP) Buzz bomb or Doodlebug; the blast area of a V1 often extended across a radius of 400 yards in each direction. In some cases it was even greater, up to 600 yards. Naturally during this time plots became somewhat neglected also it was a cold, damp, grey summer with the severest summer storms that anyone could remember.