
Addiscombe Woodside & Shirley Leisure Gardens

Big Volunteering Event - Plot Clearing - 5th October 9.00am start

Artisan Fair - Saturday 16th November

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    The new place to find all our current forms

  • Allotment plot

    Renting a Plot

    Looking to rent an allotment plot? Look here for more information

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    Trading Hut

    The trading hut is open to our plot holders and green finger members

Growing Guides

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    This superb carrot is rapidly building up quite a reputation with exhibitors! Roots are very uniform, smooth-skinned and blunt-ended. Both internal and external colour are superb and the delicious, cylindrical roots are topped with strong, vigorous foliage.

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    This lettuce is a loose leaf (non-hearting), green ?frisee? type with crisp, sweet and well textured leaves. It is a very attractive variety with an excellent shelf life once harvested and good resistance to tipburn and the downy mildew races.

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    Autumn/Winter Cutting (Ball-Head) - Very popular because the rather small, oval heads stand in good condition for 12 weeks or more with no deterioration. Even better, it has a good flavour and is a good choice for smaller gardens or where space is limited.

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    An Italian variety whose green pods are liberally splashed with red, used as a conventional dwarf bean when young and tender or left to mature as 'haricots'.